


For use with DuScriptUI.
A drop down selector.
This is not a real class, and cannot be instanciated.
Use DuScriptUI.selector to create a Selector.
The Selector inherits the Group object from ScriptUI and has all of its properties and methods.

# new DuSelector()

Name Type Description
image string The path to the current image (or a PNG as a string representation)
icon Image The Image currently displayed
label StaticText The current text
items Array.<Array.<string>> The buttons, each one is an array with [text, image, helptip]
index int The current index
text string The current text
currentData * The current data
onChange Selector~onChange The function to execute when the index changes.
You can set your own function here, which must take no argument.
The method is called after the index has changed.
onRefresh Selector~onRefresh The function to execute to refresh the content.
You can set your own function here, which must take no argument.

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# static addButton(textopt, imageopt, helpTipopt, dataopt)

Adds a new button to the selector
Name Type Attributes Description
text string <optional>
The text displayed by the button
image string <optional>
The icon, either a path to the file or a PNG represented as a string.
helpTip string <optional>
The help tip for the entry
data * <optional>
Some data to associate with the button.

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# static clear()

Removes all buttons from the selector. This is the same as Selector.removeAll.

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# static removeAll()

Removes all buttons from the selector. This is the same as Selector.clear.

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# static setCurrentIndex(index)

Changes the selection and the current index of the selector
Name Type Description
index int The new index

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# static setCurrentText(text, quietopt)

Changes the selection and the current index of the selector, using the text of the selection
Name Type Attributes Default Description
text string The text to select
quiet Boolean <optional>
false When true, the onChange() callback will not be triggered.

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Type Definitions

# onChange()

The function to execute when the index changes.
The method is called after the index has changed.

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# onRefresh()

The function to execute to refresh the content.

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